






概念与组织:教授、博士. Jason Crouthamel和PD. Julia Barbara Köhne(柏林洪堡大学).

Location: Department of History, 大峡谷州立大学, Grand Rapids, Michigan.


教授. 爱德华·韦斯特曼(德克萨斯州&M大学,圣安东尼奥)

教授. Dessa K. 卑尔根-西科(雪城大学)

教授. 彼得·安德烈亚斯(布朗大学)


如欲查询更多资料,请联络: (电子邮件保护)

自古以来, drugs have been used in military warfare or other forms of armed conflicts in transcultural contexts in order to enhance fighting performance or manage its traumatic effects in creative ways.  Psychoactive substances can be considered a crucial military tool in the context of a great number of wars, 在不同的大洲.  These substances took on diverse and ever-changing functions within the ‘collective imaginary’ of communities, 社会, 国人民.  2024年五大湖历史会议 features a variety of wars in different times, 并询问以何种方式, 到什么程度?, 药理学物质被消耗的代价.  It focuses on the numerous forms of drug usage and their multidirectional causes, 目的与效果, 包括增强, 刺激, 控制, 补救措施, 掩盖事实真相, 逃避, or numbing the side effects of perpetration or experience of violence (Łukasz Kamieński, 诺曼·奥).  回想起来, 在军事活动的各种情况下都会出现滥用毒品的情况, 从古代战争遗址到现代战争遗址, 两次世界大战的战场, 在恐怖主义行动中, 在最近和正在进行的战争中.  Drug intoxication can be traced within fighting units under official military leadership as well as in association with genocidal structures, 游击战术, 警务制度, 或者以私人暴力的形式, 以及退伍军人使用的(实验性)创伤后应激障碍自我药物治疗. 

The particular functions that drugs performed depended on the question of who administered them (and if they were taken on demand, 强制管理, 或出于自由意志或出于绝望), 之前, 在战斗任务/战场期间或之后——无论是尼古丁还是香烟, 咀嚼烟草, 咖啡/茶/咖啡因, 巧克力和糖, 酒精, 大麻/大麻, 类固醇, 巴比妥酸盐, 或者像甲基苯丙胺这样的“更难”的药物:Pervitin, 或Captagon), 可卡因, 速度, 鸦片, 海洛因, 吗啡, 致幻药(迷幻药, 三甲/蘑菇), 等.  各种各样的效果从准备士兵进入战争(训练), 管教, 培训, 健身), 提升士气, 降低抑制阈值,使极端暴力行为成为可能(例如.g.他说,酒精是过度男性化暴力的文化催化剂. 科·), 增强战斗精神和战斗力, 战胜欲望/侵略/好斗/狂喜, 使敌人失去人性的需要, and initiating killing sprees (freeing of impulses/ intensifying irrationalities; “sensory overexertion,正如菲利普·津巴多所言).  Military and medical authorities used administered drugs to soldiers for a variety of purposes, 包括镇定神经, 战胜恐惧, 防止不情愿的战斗, 避免疲劳, 睡意, 饥饿/欲望, 减轻身体疼痛, 应对濒死体验, 或乡愁, 和无聊, 以及促进精神逃避, 转移, 或者是战斗后的放松和治疗.  These experiences were sometimes associated with mental effects like amnesia, 去个性化, 人格解体, 失去控制, 还有人体实验的场景, 或者隐瞒侵犯人权的行为.  It is the latter sort of applications that have been displayed in a variety of cultural artifacts, 比如自我文档/日记, 小说, 以及描述这些活动的故事片. These sources might criticize asymmetrical hierarchies in the military or militant groups, 服从的模式, 制服和(重新)规划士兵的策略, 英勇的抵抗, and speculating about the role of intelligence services and illegal kinds of warfare.  添加另一个维度, the use of drugs and 酒精 have also been connected with instances of sexual violence in the military (e.g., 上世纪90年代的尾钩丑闻), 哪里有海军/陆军的男人攻击女人, 调查经常指出(甚至归咎于)酒精等药物.

无论何种类型的军事行动, 以及这些行为是否出于领土考虑, 帝国主义的, 社会经济因素, 或者他们是被宣传和对权力的渴望所驱使, 或者受到宗教或其他意识形态的影响, soldiers are perceived to be confronted with extreme conditions during their deployment or fighting activities.  They have to exceed not only physical but also psychological and moral limits (Joanna Bourke, 埃伦瑞奇的).  取决于战争地点, “进攻”和“防守”需要高度的专注, 强度, 肌肉力量, 速度, 耐力, 和宪法.  在特殊情况下, 士兵们受到极端的军事影响, 巨大的社会压力, taking on a double role by risking their own life (in proximity to one’s own death), 同时,他们也在捍卫自己所代表的群体, 或者整个国家, 实现其或多或少的合法目标, 在通常超出民法控制范围的情况下.  This is accompanied by enormous psychological stress and includes the need to cope with traumatizing experiences (loss of comrades or allies, 无助感, 还有羞耻, (幸存者)内疚, 等.), and the negative psychological effects of killing other human beings (Robert J. Lifton).

正如政治学家彼得·安德烈亚斯(Peter Andreas)所写:“最后, 战争可能是所有习惯中最难改掉的…, 毒品和战争正在互相制造和改造.——尽管如此, an experience of intoxication that is substance-induced is ultimately counterproductive and makes it more difficult to solve problems non-violently, 以缓和冲突团体之间的紧张关系, 展现人性和同理心, 为了防止战斗和杀戮, 并化解犯罪者文化.  最终, the presence of intoxicating substances makes it more unlikely to replace warfare with diplomatic sophistication and peace-making activism.



-如何将药物视为一种暂时刺激的手段, 麻木/ narcoticize, 调解, 超越, 简而言之, 控制士兵和他们的主管的情感经济, 以及他们的意识/感知, 行动, 行为?  How did drugs contribute to soldiers’ abilities to shift perspective in experiencing war, 或者反思一下, 在它的余波(灵感), 动员, 兴奋/集体狂喜, 抑制解除)?

- How is the history of drugs in war interwoven with the history of class and social background: from elitist consumption and limited access to them, 对日益普及的毒品种植和使用, 到今天的全球接入和大众消费, 包括毒品合法化?

- Which (post-)colonial structures appear in the realm of drug use within the context of warfare?  How can the topic of drugs in war be decolonized by including non-European and Western perspectives?

-药物的行话、语言术语和别名是什么.g, “蓝88,”“Panzerschokolade”, “圣战药丸,”“Rauschgift,“精神药丸”,”“安非他命,“摇头丸, 海洛因, 大麻, 迷幻药, 裂纹, 感知之门,”“旅行,”等.) tell about their perception among soldiers, and the particular context of war? Which of them were invented in which war contexts and war cultures and to what aim (commenting on 超越ence of conscious vs. mind 控制; Jakob Tanner), and what does this language reveal about the culture of drugs and their relationship to violence?

- In what ways is ‘war as such’ constructed as functioning like a drug―as encoded in terms like “trigger happiness,“杀手高”,“被闪电战。,“射击狂热”,“向上射击”, “战争的狂喜”(G.E. 鹧鸪)等.?

- Which religious dimensions can be traced with the history of stimulants in warfare: from spiritual and (quasi) religious encounters during warfare to the role that religious identity played in the use, 主观和集体的认知, 以及各种药物的验证?  To what degree do drugs enhance the spiritual-psychological dimensions of the war experience?  How do religious beliefs and rituals supplant (or are replaced by) drug-induced experiences?

-毒品(滥用)的性别是怎样的?  女性或LGBTQI+士兵与精神分裂症有何关联, 这与男性对战争药物的编码有何不同?  Are t在这里 particular ways in which drugs are administered and/ or (mis-)used within any particular gender (male, 女, 多样化/所有性别)?

-药物导致的死亡(故意的)呢, 或非故意过量服用), 药物成瘾及其副作用, 战争后的滥用是一种病态特征?  或者治疗创伤后应激障碍的药物(如大麻等).)?  退伍军人的自杀率与药物/酒精使用有何关系?

- What can be said about the interrelation of drugs and human experimentation as part of the top-secret knowledge of militaries?

- How is the history of drugs in warfare intermingled with the civil attempts to decriminalize and legalize psychoactive substances?

-毒品是如何用来结束战争的.g., the Vietnam war, counterculture generation, ‘make love not war’), or to prevent it?  How are drug cultures/ 行为s defined as a form of resistance to war in a variety of contexts?  毒品/酒精的使用如何被视为与战争相一致?

Accommodations are available through the Holiday Inn in Downtown Grand Rapids for a preferred rate. 他们的信息可以被访问 在这里. 这家旅馆离会场很近,步行即可到达.

欧洲杯押注网页全球气候变化中心的更多信息, including membership and conference registration (when it becomes available) can be found at http://lrmv.shengmeiting.net/glhc/.

